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Thursday, June 30, 2011
40th BLOG POST !!!!!!!
Yay ! We are officially at post number forty !!! This will officially be the most awesome blog of the whole entire blog, because it's going to be the longest, the absolute coolest, and guess what ? Today is the last day of June ! How perfect is this ? So perfect ! Anyway I will do this every end of the month. First, I'm going to do something called the "Post Awards". Then I'll show you something cool, and we'll do more stuff ! Fortieth Post ! Last day of june ! Let's celebrate !!! Ok, and one more thing, the word "fool" is concealed somewhere in this post, find it, comment on which paragraph it is, and win a graphic! (Contest for this weekend ONLY. Thursday, 30- Sunday 3)
The Post Awards !
The Most Pointless Post- Goes to Useless Kitty !!!
The Funniest Post- Goes to Phineas and Ferb quotes, part 1 !!!
The Stupidest Post- Goes to World's Straightest Banana !!!
The Most Beneficial Post- Goes to IB program !!!
Silliest Post- Goes to National Iced Tea Month !!!
Post with Coolest Graphic- Goes to Yummy Foods !!! (Moving Oreo graphic)
Cutest Post- Goes to Cute Pictures of Bunnies !!! (Duh !)
Overall Best Post- Goes to 40th BLOG POST !!!!! YES !
I promised to show you something cool ! so here is a bunch of text, but it's impossible to read. If you can figure out how to read it, the congratulations, but if you can't, then go to the waaaaay bottom of this post and it will tell you !
Tee hee this text is not possible to read !! But, if you know how to read it, then you are a smarty pants !!!! The reason that we are doing this is because, for now on, I am going to have contests and stuff, but to enter, you have to post the "Secret Code" The secret code will always be high-lighted in a color that makes it impossible to read, and only people that read this post will know how to read it ! 40th Blog post!!! C'mon lets hear it !
Now, it's time for the viewers to take part in this post. Put comments. Tell other people about this blog. Spread the word. Like it on Facebook. Do all sorts of things to get this blog heard about !!! We want more followers, people reading, people commenting, so help us out ! Thanks !!!
A Final thanks. . .
The Daily Doughnut is not just one person, but the works and brain of four people. Cousins, actually. OK, enough with the cheesy thank-you speech, but yes. I do want to say thank you ! Everyone has been such a great help and I can't wait until next month where we celebrate even more !
Wait !!! One more thing to say !
I know you all liked my posts, right ? Well, they aren't being deleted ! just go to the right-hand column on the blog where it should say "Blog Archive" Just click on, let's say June, and it will give you a list of all the posts from that month ! Completely fool proof !
Ok, we are now *sniffle* sadly at the end of the post ! But this has been a great month, everybody ! So, enjoy, um, uh, your summer and join us tomorrow, so hey, if I'm going to see you all tomorrow, then why am I sad ? Cause this is the best post ever ? Probably. But I did promise you guys something, and thats to show you how to read the "Impossible Text" so, scroll down a bit farther, and the answer will be revealed....
You just have to highlight it ! It's that simple ! See, all you have to do is just click and drag across the text ! Try it !
Lego- Deep Sea Diver
“Blub blurb glub?”
The Deep Sea Diver seems like a nice enough fellow, but no one can tell for sure, because no one can understand what he’s saying. Whenever he speaks, all that comes out is burbles and bubbles. He might be easier to understand if he ever took off his diving mask and air tank, but he thinks that he can’t breathe without them and always keeps them on, even when he’s walking around on land – which is a pretty funny sight, thanks to those big flippers on his feet!
The Deep Sea Diver loves the water and can often be found swimming around in fish tanks and bathtubs, hoping to spot rare and exotic fish. He loves to tell stories about his amazing undersea adventures, but of course it’s impossible to guess what he’s actually talking about. His gestures and sound effects certainly make it all sound very exciting, though!
The Deep Sea Diver seems like a nice enough fellow, but no one can tell for sure, because no one can understand what he’s saying. Whenever he speaks, all that comes out is burbles and bubbles. He might be easier to understand if he ever took off his diving mask and air tank, but he thinks that he can’t breathe without them and always keeps them on, even when he’s walking around on land – which is a pretty funny sight, thanks to those big flippers on his feet!
The Deep Sea Diver loves the water and can often be found swimming around in fish tanks and bathtubs, hoping to spot rare and exotic fish. He loves to tell stories about his amazing undersea adventures, but of course it’s impossible to guess what he’s actually talking about. His gestures and sound effects certainly make it all sound very exciting, though!
Lego- Magician
“Hey presto, allez-oop – and it’s gone!”
Appearing out of nowhere with a flourish of his cape and a twirl of his elegant, curly moustache, the mysterious Magician is the ultimate in stylish showmanship. He loves a good audience to appreciate his incredible and sense-defying magic tricks, but watch out – not only is he an amazing performer, but he’s also a talented prankster as well! He’ll confuse, bewilder and amaze with a mix of sleight-of-hand and impossible feats, and the more surprised his audience is, the better.
Whether he’s making a flock of doves fly out of his wand or pulling a giant rabbit out of his magic hat, the Magician is always ready to put on a spectacular show…right up until he vanishes without a trace in a flash of lightning and a puff of smoke!
Appearing out of nowhere with a flourish of his cape and a twirl of his elegant, curly moustache, the mysterious Magician is the ultimate in stylish showmanship. He loves a good audience to appreciate his incredible and sense-defying magic tricks, but watch out – not only is he an amazing performer, but he’s also a talented prankster as well! He’ll confuse, bewilder and amaze with a mix of sleight-of-hand and impossible feats, and the more surprised his audience is, the better.
Whether he’s making a flock of doves fly out of his wand or pulling a giant rabbit out of his magic hat, the Magician is always ready to put on a spectacular show…right up until he vanishes without a trace in a flash of lightning and a puff of smoke!
Lego- Robot
“Not building does not compute!”
With his powerful metal body and mighty claws, the Robot may look tough, but what he really loves to do is build, build, build! Constantly clanking, beeping, whirring and sending out jets of steam, he works tirelessly day and night, searching out spare bricks wherever he can find them and stacking them together to create the biggest, tallest and most incredible structures that you can possibly imagine. In fact, he loves constructing things so much that sometimes he forgets to recharge his circuits and freezes in place, right in the middle of building.
With his powerful metal body and mighty claws, the Robot may look tough, but what he really loves to do is build, build, build! Constantly clanking, beeping, whirring and sending out jets of steam, he works tirelessly day and night, searching out spare bricks wherever he can find them and stacking them together to create the biggest, tallest and most incredible structures that you can possibly imagine. In fact, he loves constructing things so much that sometimes he forgets to recharge his circuits and freezes in place, right in the middle of building.
He’s slow to react to things that he doesn’t expect, and prone to occasional short-circuits, with a tendency to walk right into holes, spin around suddenly in place or crash through walls without even noticing. He also has a bad habit of “finding” bricks in other people’s creations and marching off with them, right over or through any obstacles in his way, but don’t blame the Robot – it’s just his programming!
Lego- zombie
Okay sorry, I skipped four days of the lego profile, so I will do four now, starting with Zombie !
Slow in speed and even slower of mind, the lumbering Zombie may look a little scary, but he’s completely harmless in every way. Everything he does is slow, mindless and repetitive, from zoning out while watching TV, to waiting in line at the grocery store, to stacking one brick on top of another to build a perfectly even, completely featureless wall that stretches along for miles and miles.
If you interrupt him, he’ll just stare at you blankly before going back to whatever he was doing before. If you put an obstacle in front of him, he’ll keep bumping into it over and over again until someone turns him around. If you pick him up and move him to a new place, he’ll start doing something mindless there instead. The only thing that seems to motivate him is his cherished turkey leg – if you dangle it in front of him, he’ll stretch his arms out toward it and follow it wherever it goes.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Daily Lego- Cheerleader
“Gimmie an L! Gimmie an E! Gimmie a G! Gimmie an O! Yaaay!”
The Cheerleader is perpetually filled to bursting with energy, excitement and enthusiasm. She prefers cartwheels and handsprings to plain old ordinary walking, and she waves her pom-poms around wildly whenever she talks, which is pretty much all of the time.
The Cheerleader loves to cheer people on, no matter what they’re doing. Whether they’re changing a light bulb, building a wall or just crossing the street, she’s always there with a peppy cheerleading routine to encourage them to do their best and never give up. It can actually get kind of annoying sometimes, but her perpetual good mood and sunny smile are so contagious that it’s hard to really mind.
The Cheerleader is perpetually filled to bursting with energy, excitement and enthusiasm. She prefers cartwheels and handsprings to plain old ordinary walking, and she waves her pom-poms around wildly whenever she talks, which is pretty much all of the time.
The Cheerleader loves to cheer people on, no matter what they’re doing. Whether they’re changing a light bulb, building a wall or just crossing the street, she’s always there with a peppy cheerleading routine to encourage them to do their best and never give up. It can actually get kind of annoying sometimes, but her perpetual good mood and sunny smile are so contagious that it’s hard to really mind.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Crazed cat lady !
you'd think that a crazy cat lady would be some wierd old middle aged lady that's your neighbor, but nooooo this is what you get (: watch it. my cousin showed it to me (:
Useless Kitty
OK, my cousin showed me this hilarious video that is completely usless and time consuming, but for some reason I found it really funny.
Haha ! I love it. If you really like it, then feel free to watch the one hour or three hour version. LOL
Haha ! I love it. If you really like it, then feel free to watch the one hour or three hour version. LOL
Funny Cows (:
This video is sooooo creepy but satisfying in a really wierd but good way..... the comments on this video on you tube are hilarious !!!
Daily Lego Profile
Ok, so my brother and cousin like to collect these little lego minifigures (you can see them on the website). And each minifigure comes with a profile and a cute little pic so I'm going to start doing a profile and picture of these little lego people everyday (:
Today: Gorilla Suit Dude
Thanks to: Lego.com- products- minifigures- bios
Today: Gorilla Suit Dude
The Gorilla Suit Guy is a mystery. Who is he? Why is he wearing that suit? Does he think he’s an actual gorilla, or did he get lost on his way to a costume party? He certainly acts like the real thing, or at least like someone who’s watched a lot of old movies and TV shows and thinks that’s how a gorilla should act. And he sure is wild about bananas.
The Gorilla Suit Guy could turn up anywhere. In the park, at the beach, hanging out in a store window or jumping up and down on a trampoline, he tends to pop up in the most surprising and unlikely of places. And while he may not be a real gorilla, somehow no one ever wants to be the one to tell him that!
The Gorilla Suit Guy is a mystery. Who is he? Why is he wearing that suit? Does he think he’s an actual gorilla, or did he get lost on his way to a costume party? He certainly acts like the real thing, or at least like someone who’s watched a lot of old movies and TV shows and thinks that’s how a gorilla should act. And he sure is wild about bananas.
The Gorilla Suit Guy could turn up anywhere. In the park, at the beach, hanging out in a store window or jumping up and down on a trampoline, he tends to pop up in the most surprising and unlikely of places. And while he may not be a real gorilla, somehow no one ever wants to be the one to tell him that!
Phineas and Ferb Quotes, Part One
Oh my gosh I love Phineas and Ferb ! Probably what makes it so funny is some of the quotes they say ! Just to name a few:
"It's bigger than a refridgerator, but smaller than a really big refridgerator"
Candace: "Mom, Phinease and Ferb made me !"
Mom: "Please, honey. I've got some stretch marks that say otherwise."
"Doofenshmirtz Quality Brawtwurst !"
"Hey, where's Perry ?"
"Actually, I'm seven feet tall. I slouch."
"I just want to sing sing siiiing !"
"You mean when you see you teacher at the bookstore wierd, or when you see someone you've known a long time starts wearing a cowboy hat wierd ?"
"It's bigger than a refridgerator, but smaller than a really big refridgerator"
Candace: "Mom, Phinease and Ferb made me !"
Mom: "Please, honey. I've got some stretch marks that say otherwise."
"Doofenshmirtz Quality Brawtwurst !"
"Hey, where's Perry ?"
"Actually, I'm seven feet tall. I slouch."
"I just want to sing sing siiiing !"
"You mean when you see you teacher at the bookstore wierd, or when you see someone you've known a long time starts wearing a cowboy hat wierd ?"
World's straightest banana !!!
OK, I did the world's biggest hamburger (to veiw it just go to the blog archive) Amd so now it's time for the world's straightest banana ! I had a really straignt banana at breakfast, and it made me think about monkeys then it made me think about straight bananas and them the blog popped up in my head. So here's a pic I found of a really straight banana ! I know, very random, but ebtertaining in a really wierd way !
Friday, June 24, 2011
Funny news stories, part 1
Not all news stories have to be hopelessly boring and stupid, so bye bye fox news (no offense) and hello news stories that are actuallt interesting !
JB Mauled by man
If you haven't already heard, our friend (or enemy) Justin Beiber was practically mauled by a derranged man that attacked him and threw him to the ground in NYC. The man however, was an undercover cop, and poor Justin suffered some minor injurries. ):
RB, Rebbecca Black !
You've proably heard Rebbecca Black, internet singing sensation (or not) and her new song, Friday on You Tube. Not the best song, not the worst, in between. And Prom Night, well, you can look that up yourself and rate it, because I'm not going to be mean here (: Anyway share you opiniona and comment !
JB Mauled by man
If you haven't already heard, our friend (or enemy) Justin Beiber was practically mauled by a derranged man that attacked him and threw him to the ground in NYC. The man however, was an undercover cop, and poor Justin suffered some minor injurries. ):
RB, Rebbecca Black !
You've proably heard Rebbecca Black, internet singing sensation (or not) and her new song, Friday on You Tube. Not the best song, not the worst, in between. And Prom Night, well, you can look that up yourself and rate it, because I'm not going to be mean here (: Anyway share you opiniona and comment !
IB program
K, this is random, but since I want to be in the IB program next year, and I know there are a lot of other people out there that are in it too, I'll put together some cool websites that you can visit for any subject:
Foreign Language Math Science History Languge Arts
Spanish Help Algebra Basic Sceince Help History For Kids (10-14) Language
French Calculus Biology World History (15+)
Help with EVERYTHING !
Foreign Language Math Science History Languge Arts
Spanish Help Algebra Basic Sceince Help History For Kids (10-14) Language
French Calculus Biology World History (15+)
Help with EVERYTHING !
Hey! My cousins and I made a bunch of funny random videos and we call them Randomocity. So fun ! Here are some of the videos we made:
Wild West Showdown
Ol' Geezer Races
Stupid girl finds Bigfoot
Attack of Swampy man !
Gorilla Ball
Wild West Showdown
Ol' Geezer Races
Stupid girl finds Bigfoot
Attack of Swampy man !
Gorilla Ball
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Random Questions
- What is your middle name ?
- What is your favorite color ?
- What do you like least about cheese ?
- What do you do when you're bored ?
- Are you a cheesecake fan ?
- Do you follow blogs ?
- Do you watch Victorious ?
- Do you like sequins ?
- What is you cousins name ?
- Do you like to doodle ?
- What is your hair color ?
- Do you like raw cookies dough ?
- Do these questions annoy you ? Be honest. Does being honest annoy you ?
Poptropica Cheats
Does anyone here like Poptropica, cause I do ! For those of you who don't know, Poptropica is a super-de-duper cool online game where you can customize you own person, complete island mysteries and adventures, chat with other players and more ! There are a whole bunch of other things that you can do as well, but for now I'm just going to list some really cool rare items that you can get on poptropica:

Gold Popstar was available in the store for a limited time as a special item !
Brain hat is available when dialing 411 on the Nabooti Island cellphone.
Gold Popstar was available in the store for a limited time as a special item !
Brain hat is available when dialing 411 on the Nabooti Island cellphone.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Found my cure to Boredom !
Yay ! You don't have to be bored anymore because of something i invented ! It's called a boredom jar. Clean out an old jar or reusable clean container of something and fill it to the top with random little bits and pieces of knick-knacks and toys and little trinkets. What you do is randomly choose a knick-knack out of the jar. Make a list of something you have to if you choose that item. Like, if you put a silly band in the jar, the task you have to do could be finding something that is the shape of the silly band. Or if you put a bead in it, the you have to find a string and make it into a bracelet. Super fun ! You can try doing really big wacky things to to or a bunch of little things. Or jazz it up and play the food version ! Fill a jar with scraps of paper, each one with a picture of food on it. Draw three papers and go into your kitchen. Try to make a snack using all three of the foods that you chose ! g2g. catch ya later !
(guy with a propeller hat.)
silly bands !
silly bands !
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Ugggg.... I have absolutly nothing to do !! Does anybody have any ideas ?? Cause I really need something fun to do. ): why does summer have to be so lifeless and boring ? I actually want to go to school ! That's not a good sign. So please give me ans Idea ! I will be so happy !
Mood: in case you haven't figured out my mood it's bored beyond belief. But I can't get one of those cute little pics to go along with my mood cause I'm on my itouch and it's to hard to get the little face. So here's my face: ):
Mood: in case you haven't figured out my mood it's bored beyond belief. But I can't get one of those cute little pics to go along with my mood cause I'm on my itouch and it's to hard to get the little face. So here's my face: ):
Bout time this blog lived up to it's name !
This blog should really live up to it's name- meaning it's time for a very special entry all about doughnuts!
mmmm.... just thinking about doughnuts makes me hungry ! So here are some pictures II found of donuts
kk, check it ( =
o...m....g yummy !
Cup cake donuts ?! Whoever thought of this genius and cute idea should get an award.
g2g. c u guys later !
mmmm.... just thinking about doughnuts makes me hungry ! So here are some pictures II found of donuts
kk, check it ( =
g2g. c u guys later !
Cute Pix
Oh my gosh ! I got the absolute CUTEST tee at aeropostal yesterday, it's grey and says aeropostal in greenish-blue letters and then it say New York in white. kk, I'm getting off topic. I found these SUPER cute little tiny graphics ! ADORABLE ! and for now on, I'm going to use the graphics to show my mood for now on whenever I post !
see look this little guy is happy. Anyway, sorry I haven'y posted in a while! (I know, I know, I usually post like 5 million times a day) Miss me ? Jk (: anyway I have to go.
ttyl !
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A bunch of ways to stay cool during summer ( :
Ok, so it's super de duper hot outside, and you don't know how to stay cool, so here are some cool (hehe, cool) ideas on how to stay cool :
1) Hang out in the grocery store. It's always cool inside there.
2) Have a carwash with a bunch of friends ! You can use water balloons, water guns, and probably get some soap to. That way you can stay cool and make money.
3) Go swimming. Der !
4) Make popsicles with fruit juice and chunks of fruit. yummy.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Possibly the World's biggest Hamburger. . .
You always see news stories or commercials or food-related TV shows talk about really big hamburgers that restaurants sell, right ? And they always say "World's Largest Hamburger". But they can't all be the biggest, so that's why I researched the biggest one, not the one that just lies and says it's the biggest ( =
kk, check it out (:
I searched it and came up with this pic of a little girl next to it. I found it on a website called delish.com (thank you !) It cost $400, took 24 hours and weighs in at about
134 pounds (holy hamburger !)
Catch ya later alligator !
kk, check it out (:
134 pounds (holy hamburger !)
Catch ya later alligator !
Monday, June 6, 2011
Oreo Cakes
Instead of fussing over how much of sugar and flour and wether or not to put the egg yolks or egg whites into a cake, save the trouble and go to the store and buy oreos and icing instead. Take one oreo and set it down. Cover one side in icing of your choice, and stick another oreo down on top of it. Then cover the whole thing in icing. Put sprinkles, decorative icing, or whatever toppings you want onto it, set your mini-cake into the fridge, and let it set for a half hour. Enjoy !!!
Hola Piggy
HOLA !!!

Welcome to Hola Piggy's section ! If you want to view my complete profile, then please click on the Hola Piggy page link on the side. Gracias !
hola piggy- coming soon
Welcome to Hola Piggy's section ! If you want to view my complete profile, then please click on the Hola Piggy page link on the side. Gracias !
hola piggy- coming soon
Music !!!
Everybody loves music right ? I know I do !! Lets have a vote on the most popular artist and song. If you would like to cast your vote, then just comment on which artist you think is best.
Here are you options for Artist:
A) Ke$ha
B) Justin Beiber
C) Lady Gaga
D) Selena Gomez
Vote Now !
thanks! remember, you can vote by commenting ! ( =
Spongebob Quotes 2
Spongebob :
Oh, tartar sauce
AHHH ! It's the hash-slinging slasher !
Spongebob: Patrick are you mad ?
Patrick: Yea
Spongebob: Why ?
Patrick: Because I can't see my forehead
Finland !
Is mayonaise an instrument ?
Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.
Mr Krabs
Spongebob ! Wipe that poopdeck of a mouth of yours !
OWWW ! Fire on the poopdeck !
Money, money money !
Fish Kid: I had four biscuits and then I ate one. Now I have three.
Random fish dude: You guys ! The talking dog at the Shell Shack, is SINGING !!!!
Oh, tartar sauce
AHHH ! It's the hash-slinging slasher !
Spongebob: Patrick are you mad ?
Patrick: Yea
Spongebob: Why ?
Patrick: Because I can't see my forehead
Finland !
Is mayonaise an instrument ?
Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.
Mr Krabs
Spongebob ! Wipe that poopdeck of a mouth of yours !
OWWW ! Fire on the poopdeck !
Money, money money !
Fish Kid: I had four biscuits and then I ate one. Now I have three.
Random fish dude: You guys ! The talking dog at the Shell Shack, is SINGING !!!!
How can you make an explosion
OK, so, for all of you future science fair people out there, wouldn't you love to know how to make things explode? After all, we can't leave all of the explosions to science fair nerds, can we ? (JK, I think science fair people are cool)

1) My friend and I found out this way by just messing around with stuff (Tee-hee) Okay, so first, get an empty liter bottle that once had some sorta soda in it, and put baking soda and vinegar inside. Then shake it up and let da fun begin !
2) Mentos in Coke. This is a classic way to make something explode. Although, I'm not sure wether or not this works, I've never tried it. But why don't your be the guinea pig and do it for us ?!
we thank you kindly
3) Go to Hawaii and see a volcano explode ! Because I've got to be honest, I'm all out of ways of household explosions (: BTW, these explosions are great for science fairs ! But please, refrain from doing it on the inside, and do it in your driveway. ( =
1) My friend and I found out this way by just messing around with stuff (Tee-hee) Okay, so first, get an empty liter bottle that once had some sorta soda in it, and put baking soda and vinegar inside. Then shake it up and let da fun begin !
2) Mentos in Coke. This is a classic way to make something explode. Although, I'm not sure wether or not this works, I've never tried it. But why don't your be the guinea pig and do it for us ?!
we thank you kindly
3) Go to Hawaii and see a volcano explode ! Because I've got to be honest, I'm all out of ways of household explosions (: BTW, these explosions are great for science fairs ! But please, refrain from doing it on the inside, and do it in your driveway. ( =
Mouse and Gorilla vs 3 Monkeys
Ok, so my little brother is playing with these cute little animals and he's making them play a basketball game. A little weird, but nothing gets better than mammals playing with a basketball, right ??? Anyway, more on the winner of this epic battle of skills later, because right now is the time for ..... The random pillow song !!
Extra firm ! Extra firm !
Butterfly. Butterfly. Butterfly.
Sleeeeeepyhead. Sleeeeeepyhead.
And snore 2 3 4, and snore. Yawn.
You're probably wondering why I said butterfly. That's cause my pillows got butterflies on it.... Yep, be jealous (:
Tootles !
Extra firm ! Extra firm !
Butterfly. Butterfly. Butterfly.
Sleeeeeepyhead. Sleeeeeepyhead.
And snore 2 3 4, and snore. Yawn.
You're probably wondering why I said butterfly. That's cause my pillows got butterflies on it.... Yep, be jealous (:
Tootles !
Exotic Fruit
Once again, I asked my brother to say another random topic, and he said fruit. But, being the spontaneous person that I am (haha) I will jazz things up a bit and list as many exotic fruits as I can ! (I do not know why !)
Dragon Fruit- This is really weird and it's reddish-pink color with spikes...and the inside of it is white with little blue seeds. I had it in Hawaii !
Guava- Looks like a little granny smith green apple with a pink inside !!
Pomegranate Breadfruit- It's small and brown with- who am I kidding, Fruit ?!
Catch ya guys lata !
Dragon Fruit- This is really weird and it's reddish-pink color with spikes...and the inside of it is white with little blue seeds. I had it in Hawaii !
Guava- Looks like a little granny smith green apple with a pink inside !!
Pomegranate Breadfruit- It's small and brown with- who am I kidding, Fruit ?!
Catch ya guys lata !
I was bored and I made the fantastic decision to edit this website ! I didn't know what to blog about, so I asked my brother to say something random. First he actually said "something random" then he said "coconuts", and then he said "poop" (I honestly don't know what goes through that boy's head.JK) But then he said "Kittens" so I figured that that would be a fine topic. KK, so here are some random but very cute kitty pics ! enjoy.

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